Please go to to see the new website. The information and pictures on this site will soon be outdated. Thanks!
Our Goats
Pricing: Our bucks will range in price from $40 to $200; wethers from $50 to $120; our does from $75 to $300. These prices apply to all breeds of goats.
My goats are dewormed at least every 2-3 months on a rotation schedule and have their feet trimmed regularly. All are healthy, happy animals and must go to good homes.
*I can do package deals*
A 10% deposit will hold the kid of your choice until it is weaned or the goat of your choice for a maximum of 2 weeks before you need to pick them up unless otherwise arranged.
**If you are wanting a buckling, please contact me ahead of time because I castrate at 1-3 weeks of age. I can put you on a waiting list for specific bucklings-certain colors or out of certain parents. This way I won't have castrated something you would have wanted for breeding. I can also put you on a waiting list for certain colored doelings or doelings out of certain parents.**
***I do not typically dehorn but can have your choice of kid dehorned for approximately $10, please tell me asap because the sooner they are dehorned, the easier it is on the kid. I will not dehorn one until you have put a deposit on him/her and paid the dehorning fee.***
We are always expanding our herd so check back with us periodically to see what we've got. I add them to this page as I get them or as they are born. There is no particular order...sorry, to those looking for a specific breed, you'll just have to wade through all of them! :)
TRADES - Click here to see all my possible trades and partial trades for my horses, goats, and services.
Goat Milk For Sale - Check here for pricing of my goat milk and colostrum.
Now for the goats.....
My goats are dewormed at least every 2-3 months on a rotation schedule and have their feet trimmed regularly. All are healthy, happy animals and must go to good homes.
*I can do package deals*
A 10% deposit will hold the kid of your choice until it is weaned or the goat of your choice for a maximum of 2 weeks before you need to pick them up unless otherwise arranged.
**If you are wanting a buckling, please contact me ahead of time because I castrate at 1-3 weeks of age. I can put you on a waiting list for specific bucklings-certain colors or out of certain parents. This way I won't have castrated something you would have wanted for breeding. I can also put you on a waiting list for certain colored doelings or doelings out of certain parents.**
***I do not typically dehorn but can have your choice of kid dehorned for approximately $10, please tell me asap because the sooner they are dehorned, the easier it is on the kid. I will not dehorn one until you have put a deposit on him/her and paid the dehorning fee.***
We are always expanding our herd so check back with us periodically to see what we've got. I add them to this page as I get them or as they are born. There is no particular order...sorry, to those looking for a specific breed, you'll just have to wade through all of them! :)
TRADES - Click here to see all my possible trades and partial trades for my horses, goats, and services.
Goat Milk For Sale - Check here for pricing of my goat milk and colostrum.
Now for the goats.....
Eeyore--Nigerian Dwarf

Sugar had a beautiful piebald caramel buckling on September 27, 2008 in the morning. His name is Eeyore (and why not, with those ears!). He is a very strong, healthy guy. He is very handsome and would be a great breeding buck or wethered, would be a good pet. Pictures were taken minutes after birth so he's still wet with floppy ears. Will get more pictures as he matures.
Dove and Jay--Nigerian Dwarf

Nellie finally popped! September 26, 2008 around 8:00 pm, Nellie had a very nice set of twins. One beautiful doeling "Dove" (as in chocolate) with her momma's color and one handsome buckling "Jay" in a lighter tan coat. He isn't a caramel because he doesn't have a dorsal stripe and he's more of a dark tint. Both are very nice babies, Nellie did a good job with her first kidding. She is a wonderful mother. Nellie is doing a great job raising them. These two kids are built great and have beautiful color. Both are friendly, the doeling even sucked on my finger a few times while I pet her. They should be great pets or breeders. Pictures taken the morning after they were born at less than 12 hours old.
Isaac--Nigerian Dwarf
(Pictured is his half brother at birth...picture of Isaac, coming soon!)
Rosie and Punkin--Nigerian Dwarf

Rosie and Punkin were born 8-17-08 in the morning to our beautiful doe, Sally. They are twin doelings, both caramel piebalds. Both are gorgeous doelings and at this time, I am going to hang on to both of them. They should be wonderful milkers and great moms. Pictures taken the day they were born. Rosie is the one with the pink nose and Punkin has a dark nose. Rosie and Punkin have been disbudded

CoaCoa--Nigerian Dwarf
Frankie and Deano--Nigerian Dwarf

Halo, one of our blue-eyed does had twin bucklings July 15, 2008. Both are dark gray agoutis, one has blue eyes, the other has brown. Both have stars; the blue-eyed also has white on his feet, his name is Frank Sinatra "Frankie"; the other is Dean "Deano". They are TINY, TINY!! Will not be very big at all! SO cute too! They are being bottle fed so will make great pets or use them as breeding bucks. Use the blue eyed buck and make beautiful blue eyed babies! They can go anytime if you want to raise them yourself on the bottle. They can wean anywhere from 8-12 weeks off the bottle.
Both Frankie and Deano are SOLD! I have kept breeding rights to Frankie though so will be having offspring of his in the future!Iris, Lily, and Hawk--Nubians

I have 3 new bottle babies...Nubians! And they will be registered with ADGA. 2 girls and a boy. Look at that color!! The girls are black/tan/white and the boy is spotted. The first picture is Iris, she has a dark nose. The next is Lily, her nose is pink. The boy is Night Hawk, or just Hawk. They are all three very sweet and loving. The girls are sisters and part of quads. Mother gives about a gallon per day and has a great udder. The boy is out of another great milk producer and a part of twins! Wow! Talk about good lines

Orphan Annie--Nigerian Dwarf
Frodo and Samwise--Nigerian Dwarf

Cinnamon had beautiful twin boys on June 14, 2008. They are Buck's first babies and they are very handsome! One is a medium caramel, gorgeous! I can't express how beautiful this guy is! His name is Samwise "Sam". The other is a true black with random white markings. His name is Frodo. Both are short and very stout, like their dad. With the genetics behind them, they would both be great herd sires for Nigerians. The caramel especially has herd sire written all over him. I will castrate them though if they're not spoken for soon, so hurry if you want a buckling! The pics below were taken minutes after their birth.

Updated pictures below taken in July 08.

UPDATE: Frodo and Sam are now wethers and would make great pets!
~SOLD~ Leaving these two posted to show examples of Buck's offspring.
Donald and Daisy--Nigerian Dwarf
Our Nigerian Dwarf,
Dixie had twins June 11, 2008 around 9:00 in the morning. (Picture to the left is at 3 days old...doeling "Daisy" standing, buckling "Donald" laying down.) This is her first time kidding and she had twins! What a doe! And boy, are they cute! Bandit is the father and both are white caramels, identical to him. One boy and one girl. So cute and tiny! Way to go Dixie!
Dixie has a huge bag and is out of my best Dwarf milker and should make a great milker herself...we'll see. :) Bandit is out of my other great Dwarf milker and so Daisy has all the makings for a great momma and milker and Donald for a great herd sire.
However, if you want the boy intact, please contact me quickly, he will be castrated at 2 weeks of age.
The first picture here (laying down) is the doeling, 2nd is the buckling. They are only hours old
UPDATE: Donald is now a wether and would make a great pet! He is SO friendly!

These are updated pictures of Donald (front) and Daisy (side) taken the end of July 2008.

~SOLD~ Donald is sold. Daisy is not for sale at this time.

Dixie has a huge bag and is out of my best Dwarf milker and should make a great milker herself...we'll see. :) Bandit is out of my other great Dwarf milker and so Daisy has all the makings for a great momma and milker and Donald for a great herd sire.
However, if you want the boy intact, please contact me quickly, he will be castrated at 2 weeks of age.
The first picture here (laying down) is the doeling, 2nd is the buckling. They are only hours old

UPDATE: Donald is now a wether and would make a great pet! He is SO friendly!

These are updated pictures of Donald (front) and Daisy (side) taken the end of July 2008.

~SOLD~ Donald is sold. Daisy is not for sale at this time.
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