Mocha and Star---Alpine/Nubian

I have added a few "big" goats to our miniature herd. Meet Star and Mocha. Mocha is a gorgeous '05 Nubian/Alpine and Star a beautiful '03 Nubian/Alpine. They are all three very nice does. Mocha is the tan cou clair (tan and black) doe and Star is the mahogany (dark brown) doe with a star on her face.

UPDATE: Mocha and Star have both kidded...check out their twins at the top of the page!!
Mocha and Star are both broke to a milk stand and are great milkers.
Mocha gives about 4 quarts per day and Star gives 4-5 quarts per day. Both will raise their own kids and milk.

FOR SALE: Star is currently dried off and I would sell her to a good home. She is my favorite and best milker but I have a lot of young, up-and-coming does I need the room for, including Star's twin does from April. $300