I got a group of goats all the way from Kansas. They are very nice goats.

I was really excited because 2 of them are Nubians so I can add to my dairy herd, the Nigerian Dwarf is absolutely stunning, and I got my first Boer, a very nice black and white buck. I will stand him to the public as well as using him here.

1. "Nelly" Black/Tan Nigerian Dwarf doe with small star, born spring of 2007, bred to Boer. A little skittish but wants to be friendly.

2. "Muffin" Black headed Boer with blaze, very nicely built Boer buck. Born September of 2007. Very sweet and friendly.

"Ninja" 2006 Red Nubian doe with small white spot on side, pretty friendly. Bred to Boer, due this fall.
SOLD $150

4. "Twix" 2006 Brown/Tan/White Nubian doe, wants to be friendly. Bred to Boer, due this fall.
FOR SALE $200.